We held a special assembly to welcome our local CPSO, Graham.
Key Stage 1
The laptop one is our recent purchase Mathletics – an online maths programme which children across the school are enjoying using.
Pens and Books
The TPSA have very kindly purchased some colouring pens and pencils and some books. Lots of the children have loved using them at playtime and lunchtimes.
Red Nose Day
What a wide variety of funky hair do’s we saw on Friday 15th March, from sparkly wigs to cup cakes. Everyone looked fabulous, even when working hard on a power point presentation in science! Thank you for all of your support. We raised £154.50.
Bee Bots
Our Reception children have had great fun this morning, playing with our new Bee Bots and mats. Sending them up and down the ladders was particularly challenging!
Music Assembly
We were delighted that so many children took part in our recent music assembly. We all enjoyed listening to pieces played on the guitar, piano, keyboard and violin. Class 2 also performed an act from the play ‘James and the Giant Peach’. Well done to you all.