Special Educational Needs Policy
- Definition and aims
- Roles and responsibilities
- Co-ordinating and managing provision
- Admissions arrangements
- Specialisms and special facilities
- Allocation of resources
- Identification, assessment and review
- Curriculum access and inclusion
- Evaluating success
- Arrangements for complaints
- Partnership with parents
- The voice of the child
- Links with other agencies, organisations and support services
- Links with other schools and transfer arrangements
- Staff development and performance management
A. School Arrangements
A1 Definition and aims
A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.
A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools. (SEN Code of Practice 0-25 years 2014)
All staff at John Hampden and Tetsworth Federation of Schools believe that each pupil has individual and unique needs. However, some pupils require more support than others. If these pupils are to achieve their full potential, we must recognise this and plan accordingly. We acknowledge that a significant proportion of pupils will have special educational needs at some time in their school career. Many of these pupils may require help throughout their time in school, whilst others may need a little extra support for a short period to help overcome more temporary needs. John Hampden and Tetsworth Federation of Schools aims to provide all pupils with strategies for dealing with their needs in a supportive environment, and to give them meaningful access to the National Curriculum. In particular, we aim:
- to enable every pupil to experience success
- to promote individual confidence and a positive attitude
- to ensure that all pupils, whatever their special educational needs, receive appropriate educational provision through a broad and balanced curriculum that is relevant and differentiated, and that demonstrates coherence and progression in learning
- to give pupils with SEN equal opportunities to take part in all aspects of the school’s provision, as far as is appropriate
- to identify, assess, record, and regularly review pupils’ progress and needs
- to involve parents/carers and children in planning and supporting at all stages of the pupil’s development
- to work collaboratively with parents, other professionals and support services including the Educational Psychology Service
- to ensure that the responsibility held by all staff and governors for SEN is implemented and maintained.
A. 2 Roles and Responsibilities
Provision for pupils with SEN is a matter for the school as a whole. It is each teacher’s responsibility to provide for pupils with SEN in his/her class, and to be aware that these needs may be present in different learning situations. All staff are responsible for helping to meet an individual’s special educational needs, and for following the school’s procedures for identifying, assessing and making provision to meet these needs.
The governing body in co-operation with the headteacher, has a legal responsibility for determining the policy and provision for pupils with special educational needs – it maintains a general overview and has appointed a representative (the SEN governor), who takes particular interest in this aspect of the school
Governors must ensure that:
- the necessary provision is made for any pupil with SEN
- all staff are aware of the need to identify and provide for pupils with SEN
- pupils with SEN join in school activities alongside other pupils, so far as is reasonably practical and compatible with their needs and the efficient education of other pupils
- they have regard to the requirements of the Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs (2014)
- parents are notified if the school decides to make SEN provision for their pupil
- they are fully informed about SEN issues, so that they can play a major part in school self-review
- they set up appropriate staffing and funding arrangements, and oversee the school’s work for pupils with SEN.
Governors play a major part in school self-review. In relation to SEN, members of the governing body will ensure that:
- they are involved in the development and monitoring of the school’s SEN policy, and that the school as a whole will also be involved in its development
- SEN provision is an integral part of the School Development Plan
- the quality of SEN provision is regularly monitored through visits to school and discussions with staff
The headteacher has responsibility for:
- the management of all aspects of the school’s work, including provision for pupils with special educational needs
- keeping the governing body informed about SEN issues
- working closely with the special educational needs co-ordinator
- the deployment of all special educational needs personnel within the school
The headteacher also has overall responsibility for monitoring and reporting to the governors about the implementation of the schools’ SEN policy and the effects of inclusion policies on the school as a whole.
The special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCo) is responsible for:
- overseeing the operation of the school’s SEN policy working closely with the headteacher
- co-ordinating the provision for pupils with special educational needs
- ensuring that an agreed, consistent approach is adopted
- liaising with and advising other school staff
- helping staff to identify pupils with special educational needs
- carrying out detailed assessments and observations of pupils with specific learning problems
- supporting class teachers in setting targets and in devising appropriate strategies to be recorded in Pupil Profiles, advising on appropriate resources and materials for use with pupils with special educational needs and on the effective use of materials and personnel in the classroom
- liaising closely with parents of pupils with SEN, so that they are aware of the strategies that are being used and are involved as partners in the process
- liaising with outside agencies, arranging meetings, and providing a link between these agencies, class teachers and parents
- maintaining the school’s SEN register and SEN records
- assisting in the monitoring and evaluation of progress of pupils with SEN through the use of existing school assessment information, e.g. class-based assessments/records, end of year test, subject specific tests such as NARA, BPVS, QCA behaviour etc
- contributing to the in-service training of staff
- managing TAs in conjunction with the headteacher
- liaising with the SENCos in receiving schools and/or other primary schools to help provide a smooth transition from one school to the other
- taking part in County SENCo meetings and following the LEA’s guidance document SEN Support in Oxfordshire Schools and Settings.
Class teachers are responsible for:
- devising and reviewing Pupil Profiles/ for pupils in their class, inclusion of pupils with SEN in the classroom, and for providing an appropriately differentiated curriculum. They can draw on the SENCo for advice on assessment and strategies to support inclusion
- making themselves aware of the school’s SEN Policy and procedures for identification, monitoring and supporting pupils with SEN
- giving feedback to parents of pupils with SEN.
TAs work as part of a team with the SENCo and the teachers, supporting pupils’ individual needs, and helping with inclusion of pupils with SEN within the class. They play an important role in implementing Pupil Profiles and monitoring progress. They contribute to review meetings and help pupils with SEN to gain access to a broad and balanced curriculum.
TAs should:
- be fully aware of the school’s SEN policy and the procedures for identifying, assessing and making provision for pupils with SEN
- use the school’s procedures for giving feedback to teachers about pupils’ responses to tasks and strategies.
Lunchtime supervisors (TAs) are given any necessary information relating to the supervision of pupils at lunchtime. They may meet the SENCo in relation to behaviour management and other issues for particular pupils.
A3. Co-ordinating and Managing Provision
At John Hampden and Tetsworth Federation of Schools:
- sharing of expertise is welcomed and encouraged
- Special educational needs is a part of the school development plan
- SEN is a regular item on the agenda of formal staff meetings
- the SENCo ensures that regular meetings are held, normally once a term, to review Pupil Profiles and provision, and that parents are invited
- there is daily informal contact between all staff to monitor individual pupils and to discuss concerns
- pupils are involved as far as practicable in discussions about their targets and provision
The SENCo ensures that the following information is easily accessible to staff:
- the school’s SEN policy
- the SEN register
- a class SEN file giving the names of all pupils in the class on the SEN register, and copies of the pupil’s Profiles , moderation criteria and other relevant information.
A4 Admission Arrangements
John Hampden and Tetsworth Federation of Schools strive to be fully inclusive. It acknowledges the range of issues to be taken account of in the process of development. All pupils are welcome, including those with SEN, in accordance with the LEA admissions policy. If a parent wishes to have mainstream provision for a child with a statement/E.H.C.P. the LEA must provide a place unless this is incompatible with the efficient education of other pupils, and there are no reasonable steps that can be taken to prevent the incompatibility.
A5 Specialisms and Special Facilities
At John Hampden and Tetsworth Federation of Schools:
- all teaching staff are qualified teachers who are able to teach pupils with SEN.
- additional training for teachers and TAs is made available when necessary and appropriate, particularly training to meet the specific needs of an individual pupil
- differentiated resources are used to ensure access to the curriculum; resources are easily accessible in each classroom
- all staff are kept well informed about the strategies needed to manage pupils’ needs effectively, and we try to ensure that other pupils understand and respond with sensitivity
- pupil support aims to encourage as much independence as possible within a safe and caring environment
- we have access to the expertise of LEA services and other agencies if it is required
Note: At Tetsworth Primary school it has not been possible to adapt part of the site to enable easy access for wheelchairs, or to provide easy access to toilet and washing areas as it is a Grade 2 listed building
B Identification And Assessment And Provision
B1 Allocation of Resources
All schools in Oxfordshire receive funding for pupils with SEN in three main ways:
- the base budget which covers teaching and curriculum expenses, as well as the cost of the SENCo plus a deprivation figure set by LEA rules at any time
- Pupil Premium money for children on Free School Meals and Children We Care For as well as Forces children
- specific funds that are allocated to pupils with statements or Education, Health and Care plans
The headteacher, SENCo and the governors of the school regularly monitor the needs of pupils with SEN. Resources are allocated according to need. The resources available include ancillary help, teacher time and materials, and these are dependent on the school’s SEN budget. Any money allocated as a result of statutory assessment is spent according to the terms outlined in the resulting statement of SEN or Education Health and Care plan. The school has a continuing commitment to purchase appropriate resources for pupils with SEN.
John Hampden and Tetsworth Federation of Schools follow LEA guidance, as given in SEN Support in Oxfordshire Schools and Settings, to ensure that all pupils’ needs are appropriately met. Details of how resources are allocated are included on each school’s Provision Map.
B2 Identification, assessment and review
The Code of Practice (2014) outlines a graduated response to pupils’ needs, recognising that there is a continuum of need matched by a continuum of support. This response is seen as action that is additional to or different from the provision made as part of the school’s usual differentiated curriculum and strategies.
The Code recognises two broad levels of provision within the continuum: SEN support and Education, Health and Care Plan.
A register/Provision Map is kept of pupils with SEN. Where concern is expressed that a pupil may have SEN, the class teacher and support staff take early action to assess and address the difficulties. The LEA’s SEN Support in Oxfordshire Schools and Settings guidance is used to decide whether additional provision should be made.
Categories of Special Educational Need
The SEN Code of Practice recognises four broad areas of need: Communication and interaction, Cognition and learning, Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs and Sensory and/or physical. Oxfordshire subdivides these into eight categories of need (as set out in the Moderation Handbook):
Code of Practice needs | Categories |
Communication and interaction (C and I) | |
Cognition and learning (C and L) | Learning Specific learning difficulties e.g. Dyslexia (KS1 onwards) |
Social, emotional and mental health needs (SEMH) | |
Sensory and/or physical (S and P) | Hearing Visual Multi sensory impairment (foundation stage only) Physical |
Levels of Provision
If a pupil requires additional and different support and meets the criteria in the LEA guidance then SEN support is put in place. A Pupil Profile is written by the class teacher with support from the SENCo, and reviewed every term (3 x a year). Parents are invited to have input into reviews (these are via phone calls and/or remote meetings at the present time) and encouraged to play a full part in the process. Often outside agencies will be involved including the SENSS (Speech and language, OT, Complex Needs) team, Educational Psychology, social care or home school link workers, among others. They may do more specialised assessments and suggest strategies which will then feed into the Pupil Profile.
Reviews of pupils at SEN support are normally carried out 3 times each year, unless circumstances require it to be reviewed at additional times. They are reviewed using the existing Pupil Profile, and the criteria from the LEA’s guidance. Pupils and parents are consulted about existing and future outcomes. The teacher leads this process with support from the SENCO. TAs and other professionals working with the pupil are encouraged to provide brief input prior to the meeting. Copies of the new Pupil Profile are sent to parents including those who are unable to attend their child’s review
Annual Reviews
For pupils with statements/Education, Health and Care plans, an Annual Review Meeting has to be held in addition to the regular termly reviews. At this meeting, consideration is given to whether the statement/EHC should continue, and whether provision/strategies should be maintained or amended. It should set new long-term objectives for the following year. Annual Reviews are normally held during the school day. All relevant professionals, including those who contributed to the original statement, are invited to attend or submit a written report.
B3. Curriculum access and inclusion
Pupils are grouped in classes according to age and sometimes ability. As there is a wide range of ability in each class, all staff provide a differentiated curriculum suitable for all the pupils, to ensure access at all levels.
Any pupils with particular needs are included as fully as possible into the normal classroom environment and, where appropriate, the curriculum is adjusted. Sometimes it may be appropriate to withdraw a pupil sensitively, to work individually with a TA or the SENCo in order to acquire, reinforce or extend skills more effectively. For some pupils, withdrawal sessions may be used to improve motor skills or application or to give support in a particular area e.g. spelling. Withdrawal programmes are normally time-limited and criteria for inclusion in such programmes are normally identified using the SEN Support in Oxfordshire Schools and Settings guidance
Provision for pupils with SEN is intended to enable them to make the greatest possible progress in the context of the National Curriculum and in their personal development.
B4. Evaluating success
The success of the school’s SEN policy and provision is evaluated through:
- monitoring of classroom practice by the headteacher and SENCo
- analysis of pupil tracking data and test results for individual pupils; for cohorts
- monitoring of procedures and practice by the SEN governor
- school self-evaluation
- the school’s Annual SEN Report, that evaluated the success of our policy and sets new targets for development
- the School Development Plan, which is used for monitoring provision in the school
- visits from LEA personnel and OFSTED inspection arrangements, which also enable us to evaluate the success of our provision
- frequent meetings of parents and staff, both formal and informal, to plan profiles and targets, revise provision and celebrate success.
B5. Arrangements for complaints
Should pupils or parents/carers be unhappy with any aspect of provision they should discuss the problem with a class/form teacher in the first instance. Anyone who feels unable to talk to the teacher, or is not satisfied with the teacher’s comments, should ask to make an appointment to meet the SENCo. For a problem that might need time to explore fully, parents/carers should make an appointment to speak to the SENCo and classteacher. In the event of a formal complaint parents are advised to contact the headteacher or a governor, if they prefer. The SENDIASS Service is available to offer advice (see C1 below).
C Partnership Within And Beyond The School
C1 Partnership with parents
The staff at John Hampden and Tetsworth Federation of Schools will continue to forge home/school links and encourage parents to be partners in the education process. Parents are involved from the outset and encouraged to discuss any concerns with class teachers as they arise. They are always encouraged to take part in the process of reviewing and monitoring provision and progress.
Parents will receive accurate information when they meet with teachers, so that they have a full picture of their child’s skills and abilities, at whatever level, as well as their child’s behaviour at school. They are consulted before outside agencies are involved and are included as far as possible in strategies instigated. Parents have the right to access any records of their child’s progress and are encouraged to contribute to these records.
Parent consultation meetings are offered three times a year in Term 2, 4, and 6 but parents are welcome to contact the schools via e-mail or telephone at other times to discuss any aspect of their child’s progress with the class teacher or SENCo.
Telephone: 01844 218328 (TPS) 01844 212291 (JHS)
Emails: office.2456@tetsworth.oxon.sch.uk (TPS)
office.2591@john-hampden.oxon.sch.uk (JHS)
We are happy to make arrangements, wherever possible, for interpreters to be present for parents with a first language other than English. SEN information and leaflets/audio guides are available in a number of community languages through SENDIASS Oxfordshire.
SENDIASS role is as follows:
- Providing impartial information, support and advice to parents enabling them to take an informed and effective part in making decisions about their child’s education
- Providing an independent parental supporter (IPS) for all parents of pupils with special educational needs and or disabilities (SEND) who ask for one, whatever the stage of the code of practice the child is on and whatever the special educational need or disability
- Providing negotiation and conciliation within the Children’s Services Authority (CSA) and with schools and, if necessary, access to a free and neutral mediation service
- Providing training to parents around SEND issues and participation
- Promoting and facilitating an effective partnership between parents and professionals
- Working with other agencies and voluntary organisations to improve the service we offer to children with SEND and their parents
- Encouraging all those involved with a child with SEND to seek the child’s own views about their education
- Offering training to LA colleagues and schools around conciliatory approaches and working in partnership with parents
They can be contacted on 01865 810516.
C2 The voice of the child
All pupils should be involved in making decisions where possible right from the start of their education. The ways in which pupils are encouraged to participate should reflect the pupil’s evolving maturity. Participation in education is a process that will necessitate all pupils being given the opportunity to make choices and to understand that their views matter. Confident young pupils, who know that their opinions will be valued and who can practice making choices, will be more secure and effective pupils during the school years.
In John Hampden and Tetsworth Federation of Schools, we encourage pupils to participate in their learning by:
- contributing to reviews and outcomes (formally or informally)
- talking to TAs and teachers about their learning
- class and individual reward systems
C3. Links with other agencies, organisations and support services
The school has access to a wide range of education, health and social services professionals available in Oxfordshire. This includes outreach teachers from Communication and Interaction Team (Autism), Service for Pupils with Physical Disabilities, Sensory Support Service, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Speech and Language Therapists and others. It also includes the Educational Psychology Service and the Advisory Team for Inclusion (SEN). We are committed to using the expertise and advice provided by other professionals. The appendix lists the services we currently use. Other health, social services, and voluntary organisations can be contacted as required.
C4. Links with other schools and transfer arrangements
Transfer and links with other schools
- SEN records are transferred following County procedures
- there are opportunities for all pupils to visit their prospective Secondary School
- pupils with SEN are given additional visits, if required, so that they will become more confident in the new situation
- representatives from local secondary schools are available for consultation before the time for transfer
- the SENCo of the receiving school, where possible, or another school representative attends the final annual review of Year 6 pupils with statements/ EHCP for whom the particular school has been named
Transfer within the school
- teachers liaise closely when pupils transfer to another class within the school
- meetings are arranged wherever possible between the staff involved in monitoring the pupil’s progress
- there are close links between the school and the pre-schools; whenever possible the pre-school leaders meet teaching staff to discuss pupils with SEN when they are about to start school
C5. Staff development and PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT
- the school is committed to gaining expertise in the area of SEN
- there are training sessions for all staff who wish to attend
- the SENCo attends the partnership SENCo support group termly meeting
- whole staff in-service training sessions are arranged as appropriate, in response to particular needs within the school
- reading and discussion of documentation, and SENCo/teacher meetings are considered to be part of staff development, as well as a time to share information
- the SENCo and other staff attend County meetings and INSET when relevant
- newly appointed teaching and support staff can meet the SENCo to discuss SEN procedures in the school.
Review due September 2025
Special educational needs and disability: